Haven’t Been To Church In A While? Here Are Three Things To Keep In Mind

The holidays are fast approaching, which usually means spending quality time with family and friends. Whether you're traveling or sticking close to home, there will probably be a lot of opportunities to attend church. Just in case it's been a while since you've been to a place of worship, here are three things you'll want to keep in mind. 

Dress Appropriately

Many churches nowadays are pretty casual, which means men don't have to worry about wearing their three-piece suit, and women their best dress. In fact, churches are taking a more casual approach. Since it's the holidays, some of those in attendance might be wearing dress pants and sweaters, but it can still be pretty casual. Guys can usually get by with wearing jeans and a nice shirt but ladies will probably want to be sensitive and not wear clothing that shows too much skin.

Here are some tips for wearing womens modest clothing:

  • Cleavage and midriffs should be covered up
  • Dresses and skirts shouldn't hang too far above the knee
  • Clothes should not be too tight

Whether you're a guy or a girl, your clothes should match and be clean and wrinkle-free.

Know What to Expect

If you're unfamiliar with a church you'll be attending, you may want to find out ahead of time what to expect. Since churches have many different worship styles, you don't want to be too surprised by walking in on something you're least expecting. For example, if you're expecting a nice, quiet service but end up in a place where people are dancing in the aisles, you might be in for quite a shock.

Many churches have their own website, so it's easy to know what to expect before you go. Visiting the website is also a good chance to find directions to the church (it's good to be on time), know where to park, and if there will be a nursery or children's ministry available for the kids.

You Don't Have to Give

Many churches take time to collect tithes and offerings, which is mainly a way for members of the church to give what they can to help further the mission of that particular church. If you do not feel comfortable giving, then you certainly won't have to, as putting something in the offering plate is not usually a requirement.

Many churches also allow you to give using an online giving app, so if you would like to give, but you want to maintain your privacy, you can do it that way if you wish.
